Category Archives: Administrativia

Data Project Posts from the 2014 Praxis Class

Hi All,

If you would like to see posts that students in last year’s Praxis course made in connection with the dataset assignment, please look at the posts tagged “dataset” and “data project.”

If you’d like to look through the blog as a whole (used in both the Fall and Spring semesters), please visit And here is the 2013-2014 class archive, which included a great series of lectures. Perhaps we can talk next week about the different shapes this class has taken over the three-year period of its existence. In the first year, we brought in many guest speakers, but in response to student feedback, we have curtailed that over the past two years.

2 Things

1) We’ve adjusted the calendar, switching Nov. 9 and Nov. 16 (the readings remain the same, just the topic changed).

2) I love the Language Log blog and today they introduced me to a neologism that seemed relevant to our current readings: “rhetoricometry — methods that let you analyze political discourse without having to listen to it or read it.” I wonder if Sample call this facile or difficult thinking?

Welcome to the Digital Praxis Seminar!

We’re excited to begin this new year of work in the digital praxis seminar. Please use the blog to post your thoughts as we work through our course readings. Share resources, link out to conversations, comment on compelling (or frustrating) passages in our readings. Above all, please post comments on the work of fellow classmates.